PS : Feel free to let me know if there are any errors. The Lvl 36 SP card TS is located in the top left corner of Entry to Fernon Temple as shown in the map below. Puoi ottenere la missione dal Minatore Expy Yobby. Requisiti per iniziare la missione: Livello necessario: 45+. Once done, you will get your specialist card. La missione del Jajamaru permette di ottenere: 1 Carta speciale Jajamaru. It is STRONGLY recommended that you change to a specialist (warrior/red mage/ranger) BEFORE the final room As for the final room, you will fight a lv63 demon. All the rooms need to be explored, but in some of the rooms (labelled 'KO'), killing a specific target will unlock the room. For the final room, you need to kill the objective in order to open the exit.įor this Ts, make sure that you kill only the objective, so that there will be sufficient time to rest. Once done, you will go on to the 4th junction where you turn right and get yourself FULLY healed before entering as there are WarePards (leopard lookalike) inside. Karta SP4 - návod SP karty k získání : Zuivec, Pytlák, Temný mág Poteba. Výroba betonu a betonových výrobk Dobré tstí-Dobany. After that, you will proceed on to the left of the 3rd junction. WebSnadnoDoporuujemeZaloit web nebo e-shop. Se sei intenzionato a diventare un avventuriero forte e valoroso, devi innanzitutto dimostrare di saper affrontare questa missione.

Devi fare molta attenzione: anche il più piccolo errore potrebbe avere conseguenze fatali. Following that, you will explore rooms on the right of the 1st junction before continuing on to the right of the 2nd junction. In questa Spazio-tempo le tue abilità saranno messe seriamente alla prova. Upon reaching it, you will go right then make a detour back to the 1st 4-way junction. Basically, you will be exploring rooms on the left before reaching the 3rd 4-way junction.

This TS is more tricky than the other two as only certain levers/keys will unlock their respective doors. mircoles, 30 de marzo de 2011 GUIA CUARTA SP CMO SACAR LA CUARTA SP CARD NOTA: Para hacer esta SP debeis ir ahorrando, porque en un momento de la misin, nos pedirn 3kk (3.000.000 Oro) Para realizar esta TS necesitaremos lvl 65 de Base y lvl 55 de profesin, y despus ir a Bosque de Abetos a hablar con la Gema del Alma. For the final room, you will need to kill the objective in order to open the exit.

Hence, i would suggest that you explore all the rooms. Once done, talk to the gem for the 1st Ts.įor this TS, there is sufficient time to rest (ie eat food/snacks). If you are also doing Jajamaru quest, you can try to farm inside it, as the drop rate seems to be very higher (>50%). Depending on your level, you can farm for them at either B1/B2 of the temple or comet meadow. To collect these, you have to fight monsters that are of similar levels as you (+/- 9).